After sorting out my record collection and finding a large chunk of it as disappeared in the last few months I've been steadily refilling the holes left. Still haven't got any idea where the records went but there is a black box I used to carry records to the Lizard lounge to that is no longer with me. Because I basically ignored vinyl for so long these records could have gone anywhere in the last 16 years.
So now I'm back at record fairs and browsing garage sales and the like.
It's kinda peaked my interest in vinyl and now I'm hunting down not only lost records but vinyl I would like to have.
"How soon Is Now?" was a big record at all the clubs I DJed at starting with the Beehive in the mid eighties. The first time I heard it I don't think I was that impressed but Ronny kept playing it and soon I was hypnotized by those strangely psychedelic Bo Diddley rhythms and the slide guitar. And of course the lyrics although brief just seemed so poignant standing on the dance floor. Often surrounded by slow motion groovers awash in this wall of sound. It lacked the pop punch that got people jumping up and down but it had the crowd moving from back bar to front bar.
Quite a magical song that left it's mark on our young impressionable minds.
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