Spent many an afternoon sitting on around on Sunday afternoons listening to this song and it's parent album. This was the kind of music we would immerse ourselves in as the eighties droves us into South yarra flats and bottles of chardonnay.
I had a flat just off Toorak Road. Three flights up. The balcony was the size of a dining room table and in fact you could only fit one director's chair on it. But the light streamed in and you could see the city over the tree tops. And all the furniture was off white.
I had to trade in my Fender twin reverb for something lighter because it was too hard to carry up the stairs after a gig and my Mazda couldn't lock up because the window was broken. Eventually I sold it and replaced it with a Fiat that would break down in hot weather.
I got myself a VCR and threw away my Beta cos there were no videos in the shops. I borrowed a video camera and made hours of tapes of my friends miming to Cure records. I wore white shirts and 501s and went to the Club in Collingwood but never watched the band for longer than 10 minutes.
My band was folding. Things were changing.
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