Is 1965 my favourite year? Sure is looking like it. And the Yardbirds are one of my favourite bands of all time. There is just something really special about them. Kinda pop kinda heavy. Always looked cool and distant. And they had some great players. But they also did pop songs from the pop writers of the day. The guys who wrote this went on to form 10CC.
For Your Love was another song Little Murders covered. We started playing it 1982 with Rod, Mick and Chris in the band. I never played the middle bit because I could never get the right feel. And it's the sound I've always wanted to play. Very rock and roll middle part with a bit of little finger action. Also luckily for me I had Mick barclay singing behind cos I could never have reached those high notes on the chorus. Started me wondering what I actually did on the song.
One night we were playing at the Prospect Hill Hotel in Kew on a Monday night. It was part of a residency. Monday nights were incredibly huge. There were pillars in the centre of the room that guys would climb. This particular night one of the guitarists from Uncanny X-Men (who we had often played with around Melbourne) came down and asked to join us on stage for a song. We've never had a guest guitarist. And we hadn't practiced but he came out and played For Your Love with us. And it sounded so wrong. Not because he was playing badly but because we had in a few short months become a very tight band. Another guitar playing stuff sounded just weird. It was a horrible feeling. Put me right off. Took a break soon after to compose ourselves for the next set.
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