This song was recorded in August 1966 so that's 45 years ago, which is pretty amazing when you listen to it and there are bands out there trying their hardest to get a sound like this. I heard of Buffalo Springfield through a track called Mr. Soul which was one of the singles I got from our 3AK radio announcer. I loved that track so one day in the early seventies when I saw their first album in the bargain bin at K-Mart for 99 cents I bought myself a copy.
With all my brothers leaving home to get married and me just living with my Mum and my sister who shared a room for some strange reason I never questioned so I ended up with the master bedroom. I did my best to turn it into a groovy pad. I had posters everywhere, my own artwork, my records and my stereo. And I had a bunch of downer songs I liked to play late at night. Never been much of a sleeper and often would stay up to one even in High School. Can't stand sleeping. It seems such a waste. Anyway I used to play this song a lot. It was Neil Young. Perfect for late nights. But it was different to his popular stuff which was around at the time. Something haunting. And great lyrics for a teenager. Used to love all this depressing stuff. Even tried tried drinking black coffee for a while too. But that was horrible.
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