In 1984 just as the wheels were coming off the Little Murders wagon a whole bunch of new guitar bands started appearing on the scene. Everyone of them sounding as if they had spent a lot of time listening to the brilliant Nuggets double album of 10 years before. The same one I was digging into back in 1977 to get my musical ideas together. And bands are still drinking from that well. And why not? It's a deep rich well full of musical escapades.
The copy I have is pretty much worn to the bone and the cover is ragged and smells of night clubs. It's first airing would have been the Venetian Room in the city. I was playing records semi regularly and it ended up being the place Little Murders did their final show. Well one of their final shows. Then it would have moved to Barbarellas then onto The Beehive and KAOs before ending it's days in retirement at the Lizard lounge. To be replaced by a pristine CD copy.
I would always play this together with the Stems "Tears Me In Two" I found them fitting together very well in the set. probably chased up with a Hoodoo Gurus track. All those guitars. Wonderful. A great way to block out the sound of Duran Duran.
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