I heard this song so many times before I knew who sang it. And I loved this song. But I was always hearing snatches of it on the radio but I always missed the tag where they revealed the name. Usually because they either talked about it before or because there was like 5 in a row. But it was familiar from the first listen.
It's a great guitar pop/rock band saluting another great guitar pop/rock band. Big Star. Who kind of laid down some of the guidelines for pure seventies power pop. And Big Star was a band I got into the same time as The Replacements. So I kind of don't know which came first. Rod, our guitarist in Little Murders had the double CD of Big Star and as I was sharing a house with him it was pointless to buy another copy so I went out and bought a Replacements CD. All For Nothing/Nothing For All. An album which as been pointed out to me numerous times is a best of Stones album without their early hits. Anyway it's a great album despite that. It would take me a few years more to hear their early songs but I'm still quite taken with my first purchase. Alex Chilton, Bastards of Young, Left of the Dial. Too many to mention. Kind of stuff that makes me want to pick up and guitar and maybe a bottle of Jack Daniels. Wait a minute...that might be Keith Richard invading my soul.
A few years later I was over in the UK and Teenage Fanclub had just released The Concept. And they easily fit into the guitar pop sound of their American predecessors. Guitars and great pop songs. Nothing better.