When I first started playing guitar and forming bands my musical bible was a book called The Rolling Stones for Easy Guitar. This is where I learned to play songs. And at first to write songs using the chord sequences and putting new melodies on top. In my first band, which we called Feathers, I attempted to sing The Last Time. Only once. At a Pizza Hut in Doncaster. And it was horrible. Put me off covers for ages. Feathers was a three piece that did 3 gigs one being a radio show where our prize was a bunch of Joan Armatrading singles. Then we lost members and added new ones and became Subway. Me, Ken and Vic went on to form The Fiction.
But first we had to do the real rock and roll thing and debut our 5 piece at the Bayswater Youth Club. My aversion to destroying classic songs meant most the set we played was original songs. Which didn't go down well. And their were a few covers. Which probably didn't go down well either. After we played "It's All Over Now" a song I picked because I could play it basically one of the crowd called out "Play some Rolling Stones!" Nice one. I started explaining we had just played one until I realised he was having a dig. I can't repeat the reaction to our version of Paperback Writer. I do have the cassette somewhere. It sounds like an out of tune Velvet Underground covering Beatles songs. Everything that felt good in rehearsal was laid bare on stage. I felt we'd never play again. At least not in Bayswater.
A few weeks later we bumped into Bruce Milne at a set of traffic lights on the way home from the Tiger Room. I found out there were others out there who knew about The Stooges and New York Dolls and punk. The next rehearsal I outlined a new vision for the band. The guitarist left and we fired my girlfriend who was the back up singer. We brought in a new guitarist who couldn't play and a bass player who never turned up to gigs. We were ready!
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