In 1982 if I wasn't playing gigs with Little Murders I was out at nightclubs. I was playing 4 or 5 nights a week but sometimes at 3 in the morning we might get into a club. Or there was always clubs open Mondays or Tuesdays or...well every night of the week there was something on. God knows how I got through my day job without falling over. And in 1982 this was the song you heard everywhere. And despite not being really keen on Michael Jackson at any time except for the Jackson 5 back in 1970 the opening of Billie Jean still sounds amazing.
The drums followed by that bass line. Or is it keyboards doing that walking riff. And it can put me in a number of places. Whether it be a our guitarist Roddie's party when he pulled out Thriller and and told me how great it was. Or walking into Therapy in West Melbourne and watching the crowd tumble onto the dancefloor. Or maybe it's just all thhose Countdown episodes that played the film clip endlessly. Til later on when if things need a danceable curve we'd throw on Billie Jean to a rapterous reception. It is a great song. And a great sound.