Another song I picked up on my Crystal Wireless. Built it myself from a kit I purchased in Box Hill. One ear plug. Wires wrapped around any piece of metal I could find. Bring in sounds from the air. The idea of sounds and images floating around in space to be collected by a simple antenna used to do my head in.
In 1968 I was in Form 1 at Box Hill High School. I had just begun to really start buying records and had my first few albums. Mostly something I picked up secondhand or given to me. It would be another year before I would walk into a record shop and actually buy an album. Or even 1970 when I took my money and laid over a counter to buy an album. I think it was the Beatle's last album in a box. "Let it Be' and from there I worked back through the Beatles. But I digress.
Hurdy Gurdy Man was probably the first really hippy psychedelic I really got to hear and love. It was like something that came from outer space. I loved Donovan's voice. The guitar quietly goes mad in the background. Jeff Beck if I recall rightly. It made me a massive Donovan fan. I tracked down his albums and found them maybe a little too jazzy or folky or out there for my teenage tastes. So I stuck with the greatest hits. Until I discovered Barabajacal. That was a killer of an album.
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