1984. A time of white Hanes T-shirts and 501 jeans. Endless pap on the radio. But the Eighties also had plenty of great bands too.
When we first heard about Lloyd Cole and The Commotions the hype kind of hit first. From the very cool Andy Warhol type cover with all the songs on the front to the almost Factory look of their promo shots. And they were from Scotland which was very cool at the time. However when we started hearing the songs they lived up to the hype completely.
I was still playing in a band but I was also DJing regularly and I had moved into a flat in South Yarra three flights up and just off Toorak Road. My balcony was big enough for one chair but I would sit out there on warm nights and could see the city lights. At night I would tape video clips and old movies while I slept then get up and skip through the VHS tapes looking for interesting bits. At the time it seemed like all the good stuff was on while we slept.
I didn't know my neighbours. I was on top of the world. Photos of the place now look like it was endless summer. I got myself a Fiat 128 which broke down everytime it the weather got too hot. Because I was 3 floors up I eventually had to sell my Fender Twin Reverb Amp because I couldn't get it up the stairs without half killing myself it was so heavy.
But it was great time. Soundtracked by Indie pop.
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