In the mid 90s when Britpop was all the rage there seemed to be a thousand bands like Catatonia coming out of England. A little bit of indie guitar music descended from the Smiths. Catatonia were from Wales which is where my Dad came from so I was always open to Welsh bands. Not that I can remember any before this. Well there was Tom Jones. And Manic Street Preachers and a couple of others came through at the same time as Catatonia. They had a few big hits and I bought there second album International Velvet which had some great tracks like "I Am The Mob".
One night I was watching a series on Channel 2 called "The Lakes" Excellent series. Each episode seemed finished with a current indie pop song. One night it was this song. I'd hadn't heard it before but I recognised the voice. And what a great song. Couldn't wait to go searching for it in the record stores. Because it was over a year old before I'd even heard it it took me a while to hunt it down but I finally found it in some second hand record shop for 50 cents. CD singles really seemed to be worthless after a while. They don't even come close to have the same allure as 7 inch singles.
A few years ago at work I got talking with one of my colleagues at work who came from Wales about what good things at come out of that small country. I mentioned Catatonia and my fellow teacher Mark told me how he used to go to school (same year too) with Cerys Matthews the lead singer. How no one knew she even sang before they saw her on Top of I don't think anybody famous ever came out of Box Hill High School where I went.
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