A great but all but forgotten song from Subway Sect who first came to my notice when I saw their name supporting The Clash at some gig in the UK. Of course the name caught my attention because my previous band had been called Subway which everyone thought was a rubbish name. Actually the name I went for around the same time was The Police. But everyone thought that was crap and it would be a name that wouldn't stand a chance. Nobody told Sting that I guess.
Anyway I bought this single because of the Clash connection. They rehearsed at the Clash's studio! I was more than happy when I actually heard the song. Punk guitars but with sounds of ping pong bouncing all over it. Elusive lyrics. Great beat. Instant favourite.
What makes it special is that in my record box it's a one off. I've never been inclined to buy another Subway Sect single or album. I don't feel the need to chase one down on the internet. I'm happy to keep this in my group of one off singles that I listen. Actually I've got quite a few compilation Cds I've made up of these singles with no siblings (or if they have nowhere as near as good). And after all these years I still play the Cds. Where even great albums get shelved these compilation CDs are always getting an airing,
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