And to think I thought this was a Creedence song. It was all over the radio. and they always played their 11 minute version. And a damn fine version it was too. But my record collection was bereft of soul for a very long time. White English rock and glam was my forte. Maybe a few Motown discs. A bit of Supremes or Martha and The Vandellas. Even when I got deeply into the sixties pop scene in the mid seventies I stayed away from soul. It took The Jam and the whole Mod thing to get me into it.
Despite all that this song still took a long time to get to me. I had the memories of the Creedence version too embedded. I finally came around to it's genius at Rubber Soul where it became a regular play. The more I heard it the more I liked it. Then I watched this Motown film and found other Marvin Gaye songs I liked. Then I was off to buy his albums. It took a long time but I got there.
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