From 1990 until early this century i spent a lot of time at the Lizard lounge. DJing on Friday and saturdays and quite often going in for a drink on Thursday nights. One Thursday i popped in everyone was dancing to a song I didn't know. Always a bit weird when you think you are totally up to date . But this was a winner. paul sellenger was the Dj and he was bringing in his quirky likes and trying to turn them into dance floor smashes. Each DJ that worked there had their own stylised playlist. Each had their own songs. For some it was The Gambler by Kenny Rogers. Whatever worked was fine. It made the place different and weird. no rules excepting giving everyone a good time. And for 11 years that's what we had.
Every day, I get up and pray to Jah
And he decreases the number of clocks by exactly one
Everybody's comin' home for lunch these days
Last night there were skinheads on my lawn
Take the skinheads bowling
Take them bowling
Take the skinheads bowling
Take them bowling
Some people say that bowling alleys got big lanes
Some people say that bowling alleys all look the same
There's not a line that goes here that rhymes with anything
I has a dream last night, but I forget what it was
I had a dream last night about you, my friend
I had a dream--I wanted to sleep next to plastic
I had a dream--I wanted to lick your knees
I had a dream--it was about nothing
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