Barry White - You're the first, my last, my ...

In 1974 I was in Blackpool. I was a teenager. didn't have a driving license yet. But it didn't matter cos we went everywhere by bus or just walked. It was the middle of winter but me and my cousin Neil and his mate Phil were having a great time going out to clubs like the Highland Room at Mecca and the Casino. At the Mecca we mainly danced (mostly we watched the fantastic dancers) to Northern Soul but now and again they would play some modern soul ( disco not really a genre yet). One of the most memorable of the songs was this Barry White song. I couldn't find any reason in myself for liking Barry White songs. But he had a bunch of top tunes in the mid seventies.
While I was over there he seemed to be on Top of The Pops all the time.
Later we would play a few of his tunes at the Lizard lounge. And they did well there too. Barry gave out some really good vibes.
The first, the last, my everything
And the answer to all my dreams
You're my sun, my moon, my guiding star
My kind of wonderful, that's what you are
I know there's only, only one like you
There's no way they could have made two
You're all I'm living for
Your love I'll keep for evermore
You're the first, your the last, my everything
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