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Sunday, September 27, 2015

511. Peace Frog by the Doors 1970

Well that was a surprise. I always thought this was a sixties song and while looking it up on Google I find it actually came out in 1970. I still see the Doors as the sixties though I guess I'm working under the idea that the sixties went from about 1963 (the Beatles) to about 1972 (Bowie).
As I've written before we used to have Doors specials at Rubber Soul where I DJed in the eighties. These night were just crazy. The Carron Tavern in West Melbourne was licensed for 200 and the first Doors night pulled in 800 payers. It was madness. At the end the cops rolled up and dispersed the crowd outside the club.
Peace Frog was played a lot at Rubber Soul along with a handful of other Doors tunes including The End when Ronny was in the mood for a dramatic ending to the night.
The thing with Peace Frog was though it worked equally as well at the next club I opened up the Lizard Lounge. The Peace Frog rhythm seemed to fit really well with the whole baggy movement. Plus of course the keyboards and guitar sound meant it blended into sets featuring Stone Roses, Happy Mondays and the Charlatans.
And Janes Addiction.
The song is pretty timeless despite it's references to blood in nearly every line. The Doors keeping going in and out of fashion. Some of their songs don't.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

510. I'm Gonna Change the World by the Animals 1965

Back in music Year Zero which was for Melbourne punk the year 1977. Well maybe in the eastern suburbs where I lived. As well as trying our own songs we spent a lot of time picking through old sixties songs looking for the songs that would fit with the new punk stylings. Stepping Stone, Watcha Gonna do about it? were all being covered by bands like the Sex Pistols. The Saints played Lipstick on Your Collar and River deep mountain High.
All the bands had covers. We had written enough songs yet.
I'm Gonna Change the World was kind of an obscure Animals song. The b-side of It's My life. A variation on We've gotta get outta this place. Both songs were great. Unfortunately when The Fiction tried playing it at rehearsal it didn't come out a s good as we'd hoped. We never got to play it live because we never got to the stage where we felt it worked. After we scrapped it I'm sure the feel of the song influenced our songwriting.
The Animals were not one of my favourite sixties bands. But this turned my head around. I became a bit of a fan of their tough Newcastle r & b. Even better was songs like Monterey when they went a bit trippy. Even got to see Eric Burdon when he played the Jump Club a few years later. Can't remember much about it.