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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

194. Fascination by Alphabeat

Fascination - Alphabeat (Official Music Video)

School concerts. With 3 children I’m going to be seeing a lot of those. One year my daughters concert was actually just dancing. My oldest Melody danced with her classmates to this song. They went round in a circle and every so often Mel would be just be dancing by herself with an imaginary partner. It was a delight to watch her on stage. And this song always makes me smile when I think of Mel dancing up there in the spotlight.
Oh yeah, it;s a bit cheesy, but it's good tune, a good beat, the kids like it and it's tied to a happy moment. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for playing that Alphabeat track.

    In a shameless bit of self-promotion, I just happen to have posted an Alphabeat song on my blog some time ago. It's "10,000 Nights", a track I played repeatedly after I first heard it. I'm usually allergic to dance tracks, but "10,000 Nights", like "Fascination", is chock full of tunes and harmonies that make me go "Yeah!" and want to play it again. And again. And again...
