1979. what a great year for records. Albums and singles. When I was over there at the end of the year I bought so much vinyl I was worried I would be charged extra for baggage. So I purchased record cases and shared the weight between various carry-on bags (and my girlfriend's) and the big cases. Luckily I did alright. A few years later when I was by myself coming home from the UK had trouble with the same trick. The girl at the counter told me my check-in bags would cost an extra 150 UK pounds. I took my bags outside the terminal at Heathrow and did a major re-distribution. This time it was books and magazines. In the end it was too much and I left the magazines on a bench. I liked to keep my mags too.
When I first heard Babylon's Burning I was knocked out by the sound. It belts along at a fabulous pace. And that guitar bit. Oh yeah and the siren. It's all so bloody exciting. Punk bands making the Top Ten. England was the place to be. Then again there didn't seem to be much action on the live circuit.
Not long after I went to see this punk film from the USA. Not a doc. It's called Times Square. About a girl who runs away from the hospital and forms a band. There's this scene where she's running down the street trying to get away from who or what I don't know. Babylon's Burning plays. Made me like the film probably more than I should of.